Wednesday, May 12, 2010

For the preservation of the Mustang Daily's shame

"The Movie Buzz" whirrs to a halt
The Mustang Daily and its staff's continued silence regarding Tuesday's "Ebertgate" debacle indicates that they have no intention of formally addressing the issue. Early Wednesday morning, all of infamous plagiarist Alex Petrosian's reviews were pulled from the Mustang Daily website, a clear attempt to cover up the incident, like so many Mustang Daily plagiarism scandals before it.

Unfortunately for Emilie Egger and her despicable co-conspirators, Google does not so easily forget Petrosian's transgressions. So, we the Coalition have taken upon ourselves to preserve the legacy of the Mustang Daily's most prolific plagiarist, to serve as a reminder for future editors-in-chief. Alex Kaplan's primary platform was the implementation of a system of transparency and accountability in Cal Poly's notoriously surreptitious student government. Let us take his visionary platform one step further and extend it to the student-run newspaper that so recently sabotaged his campaign.

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